Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the comments.

Wow. It took a long time for these two to finally get together. I thought Clark was going to spill the super-beans when he jumped off her balcony.
I had to keep myself from responding to the last few chapters fdk because *I* would have been the one spilling the super beans.

I knew from the start that it wasn't going to be a quick fix to get these two to come from their two extremes to meet in the middle. While Lois's duality was obviously on the surface, the truth was that they both were dealing with surface *and* underlying identity issues. Usually we in ficdom deal with Clark's identity(ies) and how that mentally affects him and everyone around them. Anyway, I love taking outlandish premises and seeing what I can do with them... and Lois as a Hannah Montana-esque character? Definitely out there.

Did he go on to finish his degree? If so, is he still working as an entertainment reporter? I assume that they're married, although you didn't specify, so will Clois take its place in the celebrity pantheon alongside Brangelina and others of that ilk?
I figured that since they waited at least a year before they revealed their relationship, he had time to finish his degree. (Clark was a junior class wise in the last chapter and the epilogue really doesn't define how long after the hotel meeting the Supes debut takes place.) As Tess said, the entertainment reporter gig was a way into the news game. I doubt he'd stay in it.

wish we could've seen more of them together though, but it ended well!!
Well, they were together for about 75%, so that counts right?

When I finished the story, I had to laugh. Maybe we can’t always have exactly what we want… but apparently, sometimes we can.
Yeah, that was one of those times when I had to bite my tongue because any answer would have spoiled the ending.

So you just closed your story and prevented Lost from ever happening?
Who knows which Lost-verse that was. If I could have prevented the way Lost ended that would be aces- anyway, this is probably the closest I'd ever get to writing a Lost fic, lol. Superman needed a debut and I had a plane, so my muse said "Why not make it an interesting plane?"

Why did he wait for more than a year to make his debut?
I figure he had to finish school, figure out the whole paparazzi strategy, and that he and Lois needed some private time wink ...That, and whatever other reason sounds good.

What a surprising and very satisfying ending! The Lois and Clark soulmate bond comes through in the end. Gotta love the way Lois couldn't help kissing Clark when her mind told her she ought to push him away!
I'm glad the ending worked! Everyone was getting so depressed and sad that I was tempted to call in Dr. Friskin. And what role-reversal would be complete without Lois being the one to counter the babble with a kiss?

You have given this story a lot of enjoyable little touches all over the place (like with Lois investing in Martha's business and the resultant shampoo smell residue), and it has really made this very fun to read!
Glad you enjoyed that. Sometimes it's hard to hit on every stray topic that comes into play, but I try to at least touch them.

Once again thanks for the feedback- I wouldn't have been enticed to finish if it hadn't been for your encouragement.

*me takes a bow*


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles