Wow. It took a long time for these two to finally get together. I thought Clark was going to spill the super-beans when he jumped off her balcony. And his three points were really good, too. I liked how he explained both himself and herself and merged the explanation into themselves.

And although I didn't mention it before, I enjoyed the tidbits about Clark's college days. Did he go on to finish his degree? If so, is he still working as an entertainment reporter? I assume that they're married, although you didn't specify, so will Clois take its place in the celebrity pantheon alongside Brangelina and others of that ilk?

I still wish you'd told us more about Ellen. I find myself wanting to know more about her career (although you did explain why Lois was doing those pop-up concerts) and more about her life with Sam and Lois. In some ways, she's the driving force behind everything that happened in this story. If not for the pressure of her memory, there would never have been a Lola Dakota, never have been a need for Lois to detox on the Kent farm, and Lois wouldn't have needed that attitude adjustment. Maybe you could give us a prequel involving Ellen? Pretty please?

I liked the way you used Chloe here, too. She turned out to the be the friend both Clark and Lois needed. i hope she's still in their lives now. Maybe she even knows "The Secret" and will help to provide cover for Clark's super-feats.

The whole story has a kind of gritty-fairytale atmosphere, with the star-crossed lovers and the seeming betrayals on all sides and secrets and pining for lost loved ones and hiding from who we really are. It was realistic (well, as realistic as an alien with super-powers living on a farm can be) and funny and tender and a great read. Thank you. This was truly and excellent story, Sunrei. I look forward to many more wonderful tales from your word processor.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing