Wow, you had my heart rate up visualizing the game! And you had my heart rate up visualizing Clark playing footy. Yes, what Iolanthe said, we need a picture of Clark in his jumper and shorts.
Oh, the irony of Electronic Media being in blue and red.
Clark sashays up to a blue and red player and says, "Hey, you can't wear that! That's *my* colors!"
"Says who?" and the EM guy tries to clock Clark.
Clark dodges so he doesn't break his fist.
"No, they're *my* colors," and spins in place, turning into Superman.
Only he's got a red suit and a blue cape because he's *down under*.
See what adrenalin does to me?

More soon. On with the date.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis