Another splendid chapter!

I loved Clark and Lois skating together. It was almost like Clark was telling her, "What we did before wasn't dancing... this is dancing." In other words, going skating with Lois may have been the next best thing after flying with her (or at least the third best thing after dancing and flying with her)!

I just love your way of writing dialogue, and how you manage to make the words Lois and Clark say to each other convey so much meaning:

"So on my first day, you knew exactly what I was facing?"

"Sort of," Lois said. "I had no idea what you'd want, so all I could do was tell you what I wished someone had told me when I first arrived. Of course, it was possible that you didn't mind being different - perhaps you even liked it, but I tried to give you the choice to blend in if that made you more comfortable."

"I can't imagine a nicer welcome," he said.
There are several ways to read Clark's reply, but they all mean, "I have loved being with you, Lois".

I loved their discussion about the date and a possible relationship. The talk was complex and touched on many aspects, but it was never hostile. Lois really wanted to be understood. I loved how she explained her bad luck with men. I really felt sorry for Dan Scardino, and for the record, I always rather liked that guy.

As for Claude, we were never told his last name in the show, and I think you came up with the best ever:

Claude Cooper-Hyde
Cooper! As in "trying hard to look like Gary Cooper, Super-duper"!

Puttin\' on the Ritz

And Mr Hyde...need I say more?

[Linked Image]

Claude Cooper and Mr. Hyde?

I'm very happy that Clark told Lois that nothing happened between him and Esmeralda, and I'm glad he told her, more or less, about Mayson. I love how you build their conversation so carefully and give them the chance to discover each other's motives and backstories. Of course, I'm so impatient for him to tell her his secret. But I'm always impatient for him to tell her his secret.

I absolutely loved this:

"Just answer me this," she said. "Why would a man like you want to be with a journo from Melbourne with nothing in her head beyond football?"

"Because of who you are. Because of your loyalty, and your integrity, and your determination, and your incredible strength, and because you are honest and open. And because you care so deeply about people - like you cared for the people who love Fitzroy."

His words had brought a pink velvety colour to her cheeks. Clark wanted to lean over and drop a kiss on the softness of her warm skin.
It was completely adorable. *happy sigh*

Again, what a splendid fic this is, Corrina!
