Terry beat me to it....

“This is Jonathan Jonnz for LNN Newsline Reports. Good evening.”
[Linked Image]

J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter! I love it!!!

I completely loved this, too:

I may not be a maven in the music business like Bobby Big Mouth
Bobby Bigmouth as a maven in the music business! Isn't it lovely that Bobby Bigmouth always seems ot be an expert in fields that are related to Lois Lane? clap

Fantastic fic. Clark outs Lois the first chance he gets. What a twist! Fans have worried for so long that Lois would out Superman - hey, I remember a Lois Lane comic from the sixties where Lois found out about Superman's secret identity and then inadvertently revealed it by talking in her sleep - and then in your fic Clark outs Lois. I have to wonder if that has ever been done before. Interestingly, by outing Lois, Clark sort-of-outed himself, too - at least he attracted a lot of unwanted attention and turned himself into a household name by doing what he did. It will surely be harder for him to "hide in plain sight" as Superman after he pulled that little stunt with Lois.

I loved this, too:

“Clark, you have an irrational need to control things—selfishly. I hate to say it, but I think your father and I helped to make you feel that way, with the way we kept you sheltered and… hidden.”
Wow! What an insight on Martha's part! Yes, imagine growing up and being told that you had better watch out or people will dissect you like a frog. No wonder Clark would grow up needing to control everything. No wonder, too, that he would get quite self-centered and only think about his own an dhis family's safety. Other people's needs and wishes would have to take a back seat to this scared boy's needs.

Indeed, Clark needs to get out in the world. Martha was so right to send him off to college. As for what will happen to Clark and Lois, I wonder if you will really have time to fix things between them in only three more parts. Perhaps they are not meant to be together ever after in this particular fic?

Very much looking forward to how you will resolve this!
