Hi Corrina,

I enjoyed this part. Now, being me, I am still looking for more relationship (there can NEVER be too much WAFFy B-plot smile ) but I am in this for the long haul.

I like the fact that Martha already knows he's fallen for Lois. When I visualize that scene I keep seeing Clark's attention wander and him developing a dopey grin on his face whenever he thinks about Lois.

I know I've said this before, but between Mayson and Trask, Clark should be looking for a new home. He doesn't need to quit being Superman, just leave in a very public way.

I can see the press release now.
In the London Times!
"I'm not a threat, but I don't want to make anyone afraid. If the people of Metropolis and the United States don't want me, I will respect those wishes. Therefore I regretfully announce that I have left the United States. I am presently searching the world for another city to call home."
Side note 1: I was able to follow the Hawks on TV Saturday night. I only watched the first quarter but they looked awfully good.

Side note 2: I enjoyed Snowy River but I wanted to see more relationship. (Do you sense a theme here?) When it was over Bev and I agreed that it was a nice horse movie. We are planning to see part 2.
