He paced the floor. He flew to twelve rescues. He called his mother- got the answering service. He flipped through a few magazines and looked at his watch for the millionth time. He'd showered, shaved, and saved six people, showered again, and he still had three hours to go.
Your description of Clark's nervousness before his date with Lois is just adorable!

And I completely loved Lois's reactions and behaviour at Callard's:

"Why do you suppose anyone would want to punish someone else so much?"

Her strange question caused Clark's brows to furrow in slight worry.

"I mean," she continued as she lifted her dinner fork. "One fork would be okay. Us normal forks just lick the dang thing clean between courses. Fewer dishes to wash." She put it down and looked up at Clark. "And speaking of courses, it's all dinner to me. Give me the dang salad or not. Sometimes I'm in the mood. And I like bread with most of my meals. Dessert is always good. But still all dinner."

And her reaction to the wine was even funnier:

"Yeah, what can I say? I babble. And oh my God!" She snatched the bottle of wine away from the waiter, surprising him to no end. "This is like... $500 bucks a bottle!"
She snatched the bottle from the waiter! Bet he isn't used to that!

And this was wonderful:

"I took an expensive bottle of wine home once."

Lois felt herself relax slightly. She could just imagine what Martha had said.

"Mom drank a glass, then put the cork back in. She told me that she knew what money tasted like, but she still preferred the priceless stuff." Clark grinned- that grin he had when he was remembering something he was especially fond of. "The priceless stuff is what you can get with the change in your pocket on your way out to your favorite picnic spot with someone you love. It took me all night, but I finally figured out that she'd drank cheap wine many times while I was growing up. And to this day I love picnics."
What a way for Clark to express his love for his Mom, but also, indeed, his love for Lois.

As for his new phone, howver, I have a question:

He was just about to pour on the speed when his new phone began to ring. He smiled when he took it out and realized it was Lois calling already.

"I just wanted to see if you'd answer," she told him immediately.

"I'll always answer," he assured her.
Where will he carry his phone in his Superman suit? Ah, don't answer. He'll carry it where he keeps his Clark Kent shirt, tie, dress jacket, dress pants and shoes tucked into his spandex suit, right? laugh

Great part! So good to see you back here, Squid!
