What a 'super' chapter! And what an intriguing idea to solve Lois and Clark's fertility issue. I thought you brought out all the possible ramifications of them going through with it quite nicely through LnC's thoughts. It is very much a most generous and thoughtful gift from Jonathan and Martha, and a decision they would not have taken lightly.

In the land of make believe I can see this as a great solution for all the reasons you gave in this chapter, but I can also see that the negatives you pointed out through their thought processes are also bona fide issues.

In real life, if I were Lois, I don't know that I could ever do it... not because of any moral or religious dilemma but more that I would actually know who the child's biological father was (related or not) and I think I would have trouble stopping myself from subconsciously thinking of the child as his and not my husband's, whereas if the donor was anonymous then thinking of the child as 'ours' would be easier because there wouldn't be that tangible connection to another person.

As for any physical likeness to Jonathan that the child could have, that could easily be explained through Clark 'supposedly' being the biological son of Jonathan. I have friends who have a blonde blue-eyed child whereas they themselves are both dark-haired and brown-eyed. Her physical attributes have come from one of her grandparents.

I am still kinda holding out hope that the decision will be taken from them by finding that Lois did in actual fact get pregnant with Clark's child while they were bonding in Anguilla. smile

Either way, however you write the outcome I am sure you will do it well and I will be happy with how you intend your story to play out.

Keep up the fantastic work.
