That was amazing. I saw you had posted and knew I couldn't leave the house without reading. Now, I really must go, and don't have time for proper feedback, but I just wanted to say, "Thank you" for this:

Somehow, he’d again decided that her life would be better without him.

Lois clamped down on a rising sob.

What twisted machinations of his brain had led him to that conclusion?

What possible failing in himself had he managed to dredge up and allow purchase in that super-active conscience of his?

Her eyes closed as realisation hit. A baby!

This had to be all about a baby.

He couldn’t give her one, so he was freeing her so she could find someone else who could.

After all these years, he still battled the doubts that seemed to come with being the only one of his kind in an alien world.


Oh, Clark. You fatheaded, lamebrained, gorgeous hunk of self-sacrificing idiocy.
I was so concerned over what Lois's resonse would be.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This was beautiful. thumbsup

There's a lot more in this chapter I wanted to comment on, so I'll be back later.

Oh, and thanks for giving us *2* chapters this weekend!* You had said you'd be busy, so I wasn't expecting that. sloppy

- Vicki

* Edited to add: It wasn't until I'd left the house that I realized today is Monday; the weekend is over! Anyway, it was great to wake up today and see Part 10. smile

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster