Ank. K. S.:
Hi. wave Thank you so much.
Wonder if the police raid and subsequent warrants have diminished the Boss' control in the underworld...
Ahh… I think you’ll find the next part interesting.

I am so looking forward to what will happen when the CK=S realization dawns on either/both Lois and Clark - I do hope you are including this in your upcoming chapters. Can't wait for more, please post the next one soon.
Of course, who said that either of them will ever figure out he’s Superman. laugh But if I did that I’d hope the story would be worth it.

I am looking forward to their developing relationship.
Good! There is a good bit of that part of the story left. smile

Hi Terry:
he way Bob is portraying Clark's injuries, he may never get back the major portion of his memory.
Correct. I may have to fix some parts of the story to make sure that’s clear. Some parts of Clark’s memory have been completely blown away. Those parts that are gone, are really gone. Now, as was the case with the Lex memories, some memories are there but “lost.” These can be recovered by finding the right key, but those are the minority.

he way Bob is portraying Clark's injuries, he may never get back the major portion of his memory.
As malu pointed out, at this point in S1 they were not engaged. Now, that said, Lois is called out by name in that recording and there will be some consequences, but nothing like would have been the case if this would have happened in HOL.

Thanks for reading. As I note above, you are correct. SkyFall is supposed to be “generally” canon. Lex and Lois were still quite a way from being engaged.

I'm glad that Lex has been shown to be the scum he is
Yes. I’m afraid that this Lex took one or two chances too many and got a little sloppy.

Hi Michael:
And now Clark has a roomer/girlfriend-combo
But that can be perilous! rotflol

Thank you all. I hope you continue to enjoy where we're heading.
