Even if he tried, it wouldn’t work. I’m invulnerable.” The disquieting memory of yesterday’s brief dizzy spell after a false bank alarm flashed through Clark’s mind, but he quickly dismissed it as a fluke. There was certainly no reason to worry his friends about it.
Clark, Clark, Clark! When will you learn to tell things like this to Lois?

It was still a small circle, but bigger than the ‘just the two of us’ one that Lois and Caleb had had before. It was only in retrospect that Lois realized how isolating sharing such a big secret could be.
Very good point, and it's a good thing that they do have Lana and Pete.

Besides, it was hard to look heroic while eating Alice White’s tuna casserole or watching ‘Jailhouse Rock’ with Perry.
smile smile smile

The simple fact was that Clark knew he didn’t stand a chance if Lois Lane decided to seduce him. And, while he fully intended to be seduced by her one day soon, he wanted it to be when they were both sober enough to enjoy it and remember it afterward.
Yes, alas for the omission, but I'm glad that you're moving the story along.

OK - cliffhanger ending - now you've got me wondering!