Hi all!

Karen, I'm happy that you emerged from lurkdom to reply! I really appreciate it.

Michael, see Ann's comment regarding the green-k/sickly explanation. I think you'll be satisfied with what happens to Clark... two parts isn't really enough to torture him. Or, is it? :halo: Also, thanks for that little scary dude who's setting up camp. I don't want no trouble! I guess I better stay focused on getting PPJC back on track!

Ann, right on with the right on. Yes, I laughed when I was writing it because there were some Gumpian qualities surfacing and they were totally unintentional. I had all kinds of thoughts about My Girl and Supes Returns, but didn't think up Forrest 'til the end. I figure that Clark's sickness has to with a foreign body adapting to a new-ish environment.

Thanks Cookies! Beginning indeed wink

Would y'all totally hate me for posting twice in the same day? I'm not one for hostaging fics if they are finished (probably because if I don't power on I don't finish, shhh). Anywayz, this one is close to being put to bed...

The fic is close to being put to bed, not the players! *shakes finger*


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles