This was a wonderful series, and truly magical in the unfolding of its unique love story. You made your readers care about New Krypton despite its faults, and you made Kal-El a fully realized character in his own right, as distinct from Clark Kent. I loved the ending as well, seeing Martha with a very aptly named granddaughter.

Your storytelling decisions along the way have somehow each felt so appropriate. I love reading a story where you keep wondering what will happen, and then, as it unfolds, every event makes you say, "that's right, that's just what should have happened." For instance, I'm rather glad you didn't have Kal-El fully regain his early memories by the end, because he can therefore still remain himself, with all the special qualities of innocence and the sense of wonder you have given him. He's Clark Kent in essence, but not quite the Clark Kent we've come to know from the show. Instead, he's a believable version of that character who has evolved in a rather unique and remarkable way under your deft pen. Very nicely done!

Thank you for writing one of the best New Krypton stories I've ever read. All of your stories have been excellent and very enjoyable, but in my view, this one, with its continual sense of discovery, is something truly special. I know it's too early for this year's Kerths, but you already have my vote for Best Author.