Hi Sue,

Darn. I missed the first wave of feedback. Oh, well.

I read this section when it was first posted but, although I enjoyed it, I knew that I was missing too much so I waited to leave FDK until I had time to go back and read the whole thing in one sitting. Now that I've done that, I say.


When I did go through it again, these two lines in Part 10 captured it for me.
From Lois:
I thought I was going to miss you, but you're right here.
and then from Clark:
It's really you, isn't it?
I read this as that they had both fallen in love with their time-displaced partner and were afraid that the person that they were with was different than the one they had learned to love. To me this was their realization that each of them hadn't lost that special person at all.

For me it was all wonderfully WAFFY. sloppy love
