I was nervous that it had been too long and no one would remember the story, so I was really excited to see such a warm reception. smile1

Brenda - The credit is all yours! You deserve heaps of praise! And, please, don't say you're "dense". The story wouldn't make any sense at all if you hadn't pointed out where I was being dense. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Artemis - Merry Christmas! I'm glad you found the ending satisfying. laugh

Nan - And Nan found it satisfying as well! <happy dance>

Happy Girl - Yes, you got it exactly, they're aren't "gone". I'll add 'Foreshadowing' to my to-read list. <g>

Kathy - Wow, you even reread it? Awesome! I'm pleased you enjoyed it. smile

Beth - Please don't be sad! They aren't erased. As my inestimable beta put it to me, "the future wasn't an alternate timeline, it just hasn't happened yet".

Amber - The "bedroom standoff" was one of the first things I wrote for this story. I just loved the mental picture of them on opposite sides of the bed and the awkwardness of trying to explain to each other how they ended up there. Hee!

Ann - Awww, I'm delighted to see you, too!

Joy - Oh, but they aren't really erased. They just haven't lived that part of their lives… yet.

Michael - I'm so glad you liked it and that you hadn't given up on me. <more happy dancing>

Sarah - I'm sorry I had you worried you'd never see the end. And a sequel? Yeesh, I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it. Thanks for asking, though. smile

Pam - I believe I did promise that it would have a happy-ish ending. I'm thrilled to have impressed you. <wheeeee!>

Thank you all for sticking with me. Half of my team at work left back in May and I've spent the past six months working double to finish a major upgrade and bring two new facilities on-line. It feels amazing to have free time again and even better to see all your happy, shiny avatars. party

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis