“How did you ever find this place? I mean, if I could fly I might look for pizza in New York or Chicago, but never Tegucigalpa.”
Extra points for mentioning Tegucigalpa! (I wonder how many fics in the archive mention it....probably not a lot.) You always hear about Metropolis or Gotham City - never Tegucigalpa!

“Super speed and ready cash are both big time savers.”
As someone who has done her share of moving, painting, decorating, and remodeling, I just about fell off my chair laughing. I only wish that I had super-speed and super amounts of cash.

"You aren’t going to get false papers for Caleb Knight, are you? You know that would be illegal.”
Have Lois get it. She knows guys who know guys. (Of course, it's still illegal...)

Lois scanned the choices quickly and pulled one of the swatches out of the pile. Handing the square of material to Clark with a decisive nod, she said, “This one. I smell coffee.”
I love this. It's so Lois.

said you told him to hold any calls that weren’t about the invisible man or Superman.” He leaned closer and said quietly, “It’s nice to know at least one of me still makes the cut.”
You know, I really love this fic for these piquant little lines that just pop up.

“You don’t have any siblings, do you?”

He had a feeling she was going somewhere with this line of questioning, but he couldn’t imagine where.
Lois - wondering if Clark Kent has a sibling? If she's misled by family resemblance?

“And second, my true identity is who I am with you. Whether I’m dressed as Caleb Knight or Superman or anyone else doesn’t matter.”
Aww. Just aww...