BJ, your feedback made me think. Here's what I came up with:

*Superman* may not need Lois as much in this universe. He does, as you point out, have other people to talk to. However, *Clark* was not a happy camper when this story started. His friends are only trying to help, but at this point in his life they are only enabling him in a lifestyle which isn't really healthy for him. He needs Lois to look at Clark Kent's life with a fresh set of eyes and show him that what he's been doing up to now is not the only option. And, in any universe, having friends and supportive parents (Clark always has M & J, so the only new twist in my universe is Lana & Pete) is not the same as having a best friend and romantic partner. I'm sure Clark is not nearly as close to Lana and Pete as he could be to Lois. wink

Thanks everybody for the feedback. Part 16 is coming up.

This *is* my happily ever after.