Ooh, I just noticed something. See the picture of Dean Cain in Laura's avatar? That's just about exactly how I picture Caleb looking. cool

Terry, Don't worry. There can't be a real story without a little conflict, right? But if you're rooting for the evil to show up, I would think you would hope that he *does* wait too long. evil BTW, A-plot is not my strong suit, and it is yours. If you'd like to help me brainstorm ideas for Lex Luthor, shoot me an e-mail.

A couple of people have mentioned that Clark is a little freeer with the sexual inuendo than we are used to seeing in Season One. I chalk that up to two things--a)he's got enough casual dating experience to be well aware of the physical attraction that many woman have for him, and b)he's used to flirting with the various dates he takes to public events. In the past it's been meaningless on both sides, but now he's flirting with intent.

And no, Michael, I don't mean *that* kind of experience. He still has the same reasons canon Clark does for not actually crossing the intimacy threshold. In fact, he has some additional ones which we'll get into later.

This *is* my happily ever after.