Another great part HappyGirl clap

Your plot direction away from canon makes perfect sense.

In the show, although Lois didn't give Clark much time or credit to begin with, he was still able to an extent to subtly influence her away from the truth, particularly through being there with her most of the time when she could have uncovered things. A prime example was in the Bureau 39 warehouse, but there were hundreds of instances during the first two seasons.

It's completely believable that a Lois out investigating on her own, though her reporting may be lacking in some ways without Clark, would have realised Superman wasn't all he seemed sooner.

After all, Lex Luthor worked out Superman had been on earth for a long time in a different guise after his experience with the globe, it's quite possible Lois would have done the same if the facts were available to her.

But, whereas people who recognized Clark Kent normally either pretended not to out of courtesy, or attempted to make small talk with their favorite writer, these people, who didn’t have the option of pretending not to recognize Superman, had clearly decided to give him a wide berth. Clark chose to assume that it was a matter of respect and not fear.
Because of the scenario we're used to, it seems funny to think of Superman just walking into The Planet for an interview, it being so much Clark Kent's domain and therefore avoided by his alter-ego except in emergencies. Of course this Superman, other than his fears about his developing feelings for Lois Lane, has no real reason to fear being found out by wearing his disguise a little too close to home. This Clark is used to a kind of celebrity as Clark Kent the writer but the Superman celebrity is completely different.

It must be so hard for this Clark to use his real name as essentially an alter-ego. If Clark Kent isn't real, who does he really think he is? It seems he doesn't know, but it's likely Lois will help him find out. Having two identities is hard enough!

It was lucky for her that he sat down when he did. Otherwise she would have been far too distracted by the sight of that magnificent backside to focus on the job at hand. With ruthless determination, she forced her gaze onto his face.
Aside from his obvious distracting assets, it must be a strange sight to see Superman sat on a log on a deserted island. Not the easiest setting for a serious chat.

Clark felt positively naked without his cape, but what else could he have done?
I'm not surprised!

“Yes, well, the thing is, I’ve been thinking about you a lot over the last few days.” The eyebrows climbed even higher. “Not that way,” Lois hastened to add. At least, not *only* that way, she edited silently to herself.

It was a classic piece of Clark Kent misdirection, and it might have worked. On anyone other than Lois Lane.
Yup, he was never going to fob her off that easily, not now she's this close.

“I see.” Internally, Clark was repeating, ‘Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic!’ in an endless loop. It wasn’t helping.
I can imagine his panic at being found out so soon. He must be partly so afraid of what Lana, Pete and his parents will think.

“I swear to you, Lois, that I never stepped foot in Metropolis before last month.”
Typical Clark/Superman non-lie!

Lois shrugged. “Like I said, we need to talk before I can interview Superman. If I’m right, if Superman isn’t really you, then, after you’ve told me whatever you’re willing to about who you are, you step back into character and I interview Superman—you know, that guy who appeared out of nowhere and saved my life a couple of weeks ago. The one who, as far as I’m concerned, has no past.”
She has already formed for herself a remarkable understanding of what Superman is and why.

Lois leaned just a little closer and put a gentle hand on his knee. “Can we be really honest here? You stop being Superman and I stop being Ace Reporter and we just talk? Person to person?”
I like how now she knows (even though she doesn't fully know yet the 'man underneath!') she is managing to talk to him as just another person. Clark likes it too!

Meanwhile, he was almost certain that her hand was burning a hole right through his tights.

“Okay.” He covered her hand with his own. “Strictly off the record,” he smiled.

Lois sat up again, releasing their mutual grasp, but she didn’t release his eyes from hers.
This was nice, subtle, contact. I actually missed it on the first read.

“In theory? It’s not working out so well in practice?”

“Who’s asking? Friend Lois or Reporter Lois?”
Hee, hee, I liked this!

“This is just me,” he said quietly, as if he’d just now thought of it. A slow, satisfied smile spread over his features. “Thanks, Lois .”
Poor Clark, he barely knows the true him himself, he just knows it's not Superman or celebrity Clark Kent. He's talking to her now as the real him, but dressed as Superman, no wonder he's confused!

Looking forward to seeing where the next part takes them!

Em smile

"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)