Wow, this fic is really attracting me! I think you've got a wonderful idea at the start. And it was extremely interesting what Clark said:

“And…this might sound silly, but since we’re being brutally honest here, sometimes I’m not sure that even I know who I really am anymore. Or that I like who I really am. And I’m almost certain you wouldn’t. Like me, that is.”

Lois gave him a look of utter disbelief. “What’s not to like? You’re a pretty great guy.”

“You might not think so if you knew the real me.”
Isn't this at the heart of most Superman fics? But I like how you've put your own original spin on it.

“Good afternoon, Superman. Thank you for coming.” Her voice was pitched for the entire room to hear. “I’ve got the conference room all set up for our interview.” By this time he’d met her halfway down the newsroom ramp, and they shook hands in the manner of professional acquaintances.

“It’s my pleasure, Ms. Lane. I can think of no finer reporter to tell my story.”
What a coup for Lois Lane! Actually getting Superman to come to the Daily Planet for an interview! That means that she gets some serious respect from her peers. (I know I'd be goggle-eyed.) And Perry has to be licking his chops. When they get back to the newsroom, do you think that people will come up and try talking to Superman? Or is Clark's persona stiff and forbidding enough that the gawkers will keep their distance?