Hi Happy!
Sorry that I’m a bit late to the party. But I figured, less waiting between parts that way goofy

Well, I’m no Clark Kent, but the mustache helped.

“He’s in town, you know. Cat just heard from her source at the Jade Inn.”

Lois gave her editor a confused frown. “Who?”

“Clark Kent. Arrives this evening. He’s got the Presidential Suite booked for the next three weeks. His new book comes out next week and he’s doing the round of publicity interviews—Good Morning America, Today, all the local morning shows, you know the drill. I bet he’ll be at Luthor’s White Orchid Ball. You can’t hold the social event of the season and not invite Clark Kent if he’s in town. I know you’ve been chasing an interview with Lex Luthor for months, but if you managed to land a one-on-one with Clark Kent—not a PR puff piece, but a real, in-depth interview—well, *that* would be something to see.” With a last parting wink, Perry strode off toward his office, bellowing for Jimmy as he went.
That bit is just one eyebrow-raiser after another. And my cheeks hurt laugh

He hadn’t decided yet on his next hero’s name. He wasn’t even sure whether it would be a man or a woman. He only had the vaguest outline of a plot, but he knew it would involve the rescue of at least one girl from the sex trade. There would definitely be drugs in the mix. Guns, of course.
At least, on these boards, we don’t have to come up with the hero’s name wink

He wasn’t even sure which country he’d set it in. Maybe Cambodia, maybe Nepal. It would all come together once he got his feet on the ground and let the atmosphere--the sense of place and the culture--sink into his pores. He’d come up with a cover, bone up on the local language, then start making contacts. After a few weeks, a few months tops, he’d have enough raw material to hole up in Smallville and start the actual writing.
Interesting. He sure takes story-preparation to the next level.

It was a slow, roundabout process. He often wished that he could just swoop in, pull every girl out of every brothel in some grand rescue, and solve the world's problems with brute strength alone. Unfortunately, even with all his extraordinary gifts, he knew that was an unrealistic fantasy. Problems like this had to be addressed systemically, from the roots up. He hoped his story would open enough people’s eyes to the issue that it would make some dent in the public consciousness.

You’re not ready to go public on him yet.

“No need," Lana answered him. "Pete has business to attend to that night. Why don’t you take me?”

Clark gave Pete a questioning glance. “What business do you have at 9:00 on a Friday night?”

Pete answered with a sheepish grin, “The Royals are in the playoffs.”

He didn’t understand why this particular view wouldn’t let him go.
Wonder if he’s going to go for a stroll and meet a certain female reporter and get shot down as Hack from Nowheresville only to meet her again in the evening laugh

Okay, I’m hooked. And strongly thinking about reading part 2 right now.


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