Fascinating idea HappyGirl! thumbsup

I didn't used to think that I was into alt-beginnings/alt-universes, but 'Awaken My Heart' has definitely made me more open-minded and I'm going to get to enjoy some amazing fics as a result!

I will definitely be reading on. I love that Clark has taken a different career path (though who knows yet what he actually believes his career to be!) and he is more of a celebrity than Lois, much more, but he is still the Clark we know and love it seems.

Lois will be in awe of his Clark Kent personna when she meets him, though I'm pretty sure he'll be a little in awe of her too!! It appears a special someone is missing from his seemingly-perfect life.

You've created loads of questions at an early stage, which is a sign of a great idea with lots of possibilites. Can't wait to see where it goes. Will Superman or an equivalent be created? He's certainly taken a different approach. It seems similar intentions are there though he appears to have particular goals on quite a grand scale.

Just a first impression, this Clark seems a little less naive than canon-Clark. Although canon-Clark had travelled the world and was, in that sense, wordly-wise, there was a lot to begin with he had no real experience of, and city life and the cynicism that comes with it, was very new to him.

I love that there is still very much a secret identity or identities, even if the main secret (other than the obvious) is that he is a really a straightforward, kindhearted country boy, who hates all the grandeur.

In this story, it seems that Clark's everyday personna, the one most people see, is the cover. It is so interesting! I wonder how different his public Clark Kent personality is, it seems he's polite and well-liked.

So he still wears glasses all the time then, but different ones - he doesn't even like the glasses he has to wear for his public image! And the hairstyle he has to have sounds interesting.

I was pleased to see Lana was married!! It's nice that there are people in on the secret he can confide in, but I'm glad she's not a potential love-interest, at least I hope not!

Hmm, I wonder what Clark knows of Lex to make him dislke him at this stage...?

Great start, I love it, more soon! clap


"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)