short, tortured.
Yes. There was a huge amount of negative momentum build up by the end of 100 Meters. That, as well as the general TOGOM situation can’t be ignored. (Believe me, I tried.)

Per your FDK to part 1, I had hoped for a more pleasant journey. However, some trips through the shadows are necessary.

As for the 2/3 vs 2/5, the funny part is that it was my intent that this be a 3-part story. However, as if often the case, I didn’t control this story so much as it controlled itself. That negative momentum has to be handled properly. (or at the very least, I have to try my best to do justice to the situation)

Thank you. The questions you raise are spot-on. These are the questions that I always wanted to see dealt with. With Lois in pain, and Clark right there, what does he do?

So close… One of my favorite sayings when I’m cautioning young engineers about making assumptions is:
Logic is a way to go wrong with confidence.
Lois has constructed a very plausible argument based on the information she has. Unfortunately, since she was missing key information, her logically arrived-at conclusion, was wrong.

As for where we end up… I hope you’ll stay with me to find out.

Lois had to think it was important to disturb her at this time. Her conclusion is perfectly reasonable given what she knows.
