Oooh FDK! Thanks guys.

Pedendang I've been really conscious that in trying to portray an entirely new society, there's a balance between too much detail and not enough.

(One of things I love about writing LnC is that the readers know the background so the writer doesn't have to explain it.)

Anyway ... not all questions about the society will be answered ... but hopefully all questions about the story will be. But even that takes groundwork.

Thanks for your comments, Pedendang, and for reading so enthusiastically.

Amber The scene with Eb came late to the story, but I thought it added a lot. Glad you liked it too.

Thanks for leaving FDK.

Artemis Thanks Artemis. Yesterday I was working on a later part that sort of follows on from this bit. Glad you liked it!

Emma Thanks for taking the time to leave FDK, Emma.

I just love how you write the interactions between Kal and Lois. It is so subtle and gentle how they're gradually getting to know and understand each other and I adore Kal. Whenever you give his POV it is so funny and sweet. He badly needs some warmth and tenderness in his life and his heart 'awakening' - funny that!
It was the chance to explore this slowly-developing relationship between two people of vastly different backgrounds that compelled me to write this fic.

I'm so glad it's working for you.

Lois - mellow laugh I realise that Lois, particularly S1 Lois, would probably be a little more feisty than I've written her so far. However (as you said), this Lois is way out of her comfort zone. In TNAOS, Lois had the homeground advantage over newcomer Clark. Here, the positions are reversed.

Shadow Thanks for your comments. Lois may be a little more mellow, but she will always have an effect on her environment.

See comment below about Lois wandering off.

Sarah You may think you're a little confused, Sarah, but your summary is correct.

One of the reasons why Eb and her husband are in the story is to show that although there is no Kryptonian word for 'love', there is love in their society. It may seem cold and undemonstrative to us, but it's there. I think the relationship between Ching and Zara in canon showed this too.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


First kiss ... coming soon.
First embrace ... coming.
First smile ... almost here.

Thanks for your FDK, Laura!

Happy Girl Thanks for your interesting FDK, Happy.

On your second point - one of the things I loved about TNAOS was how Lois was never put off by Superman's (and then Clark's) differences. I really wanted the reverse to come through here - Lois may be an alien from another planet, but her differences only serve to fascinate Kal.

Do you mean to imply that Lois doesn't just like Kal the celebrity or Kal the noble? That if he had *no* power, if he were just an ordinary man leading an ordinary life, she'd like him just the same?
Yeah ... that's exactly where I was heading. Thanks for picking it up!

Now ... about Lois getting herself into trouble on the scary streets of NK. This is a love story (see title laugh ). I'm not promising there will be no danger or angsty moments, but, fundamentally, this is the story of two people falling in love.

Just so as you're not too disappointed when she arrives back safely ...

Thanks everyone.
