Very nice chapter. I really like the way this story is progressing. And you keep giving us little hints of Ellen Lane and how incredible her talent was and how totally intimidated Lois feels next to her mother. Maybe she'll cut loose on the next karaoke night and realize that Lois Lane does sing after all.

And again, I like the way you're flipping the mythos in this story. Lois has the big secret she hasn't told Clark. Lois is the one dealing with the dual identity issues. And even though we fanfic writers don't deal with this issue much, Clark is the one who was expected to be something he hasn't turned out to be instead of Lois (a reporter instead of a doctor), and he's got to deal with the (perceived) disappointment on the part of his relatives. You're letting all these little tidbits slip in almost unnoticed until we, the readers, realize that "Hey! This is important! Wow! That makes so much sense! That's just great!"

Post soon - we're chewing our fingernails down to the elbows.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing