I'm finally beginning to accept that Lois really leads a double life, and that Lola Dakota is her secret identity. (I guess I found it so hard to accept because I just can't imagine Britney Spears being able to lead a quiet life as, say, Bella Sparrow, while moonlighting as Britney Spears. Wouldn't the paparazzi blow her secret identity from here to Honolulu? Ah, but this is the LnC universe, where a pair of glasses and a different hairstyle is enough to pull the wool over they eyes of the whole world and prevent everybody from seeing that Clark is Superman. So I guess Lois could pull off her Lola Dakota stunt too, eh?)

I liked this:

She was finally understanding what Lola Dakota was all about. *This*--this ability to walk around without people fawning, falling and fanfaring—was why Lola existed. Before arriving at the Kent Farm, Lois had been seriously considering giving up the dual identities and just being Lola forever, but now she could see that Lois wasn't possible without Lola—and vice versa.
And I liked this:

Maybe what it all boiled down to was that Lois Lane was who she was (or who she was learning to be) and Lola Dakota was what she could do.
Yes, that reminds me of something - I wonder what it could be?

I should have commented on something that I think was there in the previous chapter, when Lois said about herself, "Lois Lane doesn't sing". No, she doesn't, and Clark Kent doesn't fly either, does he? wink

Nice chapter! Methinks Lois is falling in an eensy teensy bit in love with Clark Kent!
