Michael: Yeah, Carlos is like Luthor, except he's into making money hand over fist instead of gaining control. Juan is to Nigel as Carlos is to Luthor? Nice imagery. The package delivery scene was supposed to make people go "Ewww!" and realize just how nasty the drug smuggling business really is, unlike old reruns of Miami Vice. And you feel sorry for Toni? That surprises me, but she is a bit more sympathetic than Johnny is.

Sarahg: You like Toni too? Hmm. Maybe I'll need to do something about that. Wait, I already did! I just haven't posted it yet. We'll see what happens to Johnny and Luthor, and Linda's fate is yet to be revealed.

Tank: You have an interesting mind. Lois, give up the Mountaintops? Lucy, go to prison for a crime she didn't commit? (Unless, of course, she really did it.) Remember that this is an AU, and all kinds of things can happen here. Sequel? I hadn't planned one, but my muses may nudge me in the future. It has happened before.

Next chapter up soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing