Sorry, but Lois' stage name is Lola Dakota, which is a play on Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus' character on the Disney series (and concerts and movies - lots of exposure for an actor playing a fictional person playing a fictional celebrity). The opening statement of chapter one:

“Fans of famed pop star Lola Dakota were left crushed and drenched this morning when the singer failed to appear as planned for ABC affiliate Good Morning America’s concert in the park series…”
I agree that Lois is going through some personal changes. And Clark is too, whether he knows it or not. And I'll bet that Lola doesn't miss the next Good Morning America concert date. She might even debut Roscoe's song there.

I think Chloe has more to do in this story. She came on the scene suddenly and disappeared suddenly, even though her appearance was not only timely but dramatically inspired. I don't doubt that she'd be willing to share the stage with Lola after Lois completes her personality transplant.

I want to know more about Ellen, too! She's a mystery figure wrapped in a cocoon of lost memories and misplaced opportunities. She had such an impact on Lois' childhood and career that she has to show up again sometime. Maybe in a letter she left for Lois on her twenty-first birthday or something similar, or maybe an album she recorded when Lois was but a wee babe which was never released but saved for Lois when she became a woman (mentally and emotionally, not just old enough to party with Paris and Kim).

Still looking for the next chapter! Will it be soon?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing