Another winner from Queenie. We love thee, oh, Mary, Queen of the Potts, Capes.

This sounds very much like some of those online quest games. So where’s the game? smile

It is less hallowed than the main burial ground, and many scrolls are damaged or incomplete.
Must be why “someone” recommended I read this fic.

Many of them are incomplete, never to see the light of day.
Guilty as charged...

siezed by madness
Yeah, yeah, yeah... that’s me. Madder than a wet hen... The sky is falling. The sky is falling.

Um...could this be a metaphor for....the MB's? Huh? Huh?
Hmm... I believe she is talking about those unfinished fics...

The temple refers to nfic?

There are some nice fics there, though. (/me wonders if that "Merry Christmas Lois Lane” series was ever finished...)
Awww... me blushes. I’m glad to know you liked the fic. I guess I should work on this, huh?

As for breegirl, you will have to come to IRC. All will become clear to you then. And if it doesn't, then you should come anyway and we'll explain it to you there.
Are there really that many people on IRC these days?

About the Merry Christmas series - no, it's never been finished. And I happen to know that Nancy had a few ideas about Clark's birthday and Valentine's Day, too. Maybe I should try nagging her again.
Mellie nags a lot... Since she was so influential in the second part of that series, perhaps she needs to be co-author on the next part?

Great fic, Mary!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~