Hi guys! Sorry for taking so long to reply... Glad you liked the fic! laugh

Originally posted by woody:
And here I thought Queenie never ventured into that "sacred temple". "If I never see civilization again, I am content." Mmm-hmmmm, being in the "temple" is that good, eh? goofy

Another funny look into the unique world of FoLCdom.
Um, I can explain! dizzy It's been a long time, and whether I'll go back now that my sanity is restored is up in the air at the moment. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. huh There are some nice fics there, though. smile (/me wonders if that "Merry Christmas Lois Lane series was ever finished...)

As for breegirl, you will have to come to IRC. All will become clear to you then. And if it doesn't, then you should come anyway and we'll explain it to you there. *g*
