Thanks guys!

Corinna - I keep meaning to FDK on Questions and haven't but I am reading and enjoying! And isn't Lois almost always exactly what Clark needs? wink

Sara - I've got to go with Kathy and a couple of the other posters below. They're adults. What Clark needs tonight is for Lois to be there. And I don't think either of them are 'tired drunk'.

Kathy - have I said thank you for betaing yet?! smile I tend to agree with you that the whole [non-alcohol etc aided] 'losing control' thing is largely a work of fiction. Clark has told her that the only time he's ever *wanted* to lost control was with her, but he's not pushed her at all, in fact, being the one to pull back more than once. [though Lois has too]

CC - it won't be long. Knowing me, it'll probably be today anyway :p .

Iolan - LOL! I love that! 'Sweet. Now write more.' wink More has been written. I'm on... 14 I think of BIII.

rkn - thank you! Did I mention that I love SS/LS? And that the inspiration for another WIP comes from those? [Inspiration sort of - as in, hmmm... that's interesting... and then the muse runs off in a whole other direction...]

Amber - I guess it might seem that way. And I'm going to frame your post - my ability to write WAFFs without angst - and pull it out whenever you guys are waiting for a shoe to drop or whatever... wink Hey - would you mind hitting reply to one of those emails I sent you just to make sure I've got your filter set up right on my email? I get tons of spam there and don't want it to end up in the wrong spot...

HG - I tend to agree with you. DH and I often *slept* together before we got married [but like DS mentioned waited for 'not sleeping'] but it wasn't always an easy decision to make but we did. I agree that Clark needs her close to him this time.

DS - glad you are reading wink .

Michael - why must you insist that Zara is coming?

Ah stink. I know me. I'd bet BIII will be posted later today wink . Just don't want to run out of buffer but I think I'll be okay...

Thanks again everyone!