Sara K M wrote:
Something COULD happen tommorrow morning or in the middle of the night, even though they're both saying "it's just sleep."
I find this fascinating from a discussion standpoint. Essentially what you're saying here is that two mature adults -- self-supporting, mid-twenty-something professionals, both already successfully running their own lives -- cannot be trusted to decide how much sexual activity they want to engage in, and then to stick with it. I wholeheartedly disagree.

Despite what romance novels or even fanfic (maybe especially fanfic) imply, most mature people have no problem making this decision for themselves and are able to adjust their behavior accordingly, without constantly being in danger of "losing control". So if Lois didn't want to go beyond kissing and her boyfriend constantly pressured her to do more and didn't like taking no for an answer (like Dan did in this story), then she would be foolish to agree to spend the night in his bed, absolutely. But in this story, Clark has consistently proven in both word and deed that he is willing to respect the boundaries they've drawn.

Saying that Lois shouldn't trust any man, just because something COULD happen is, IMO, the same as saying that Lois should never get into an elevator with another person, just because that person COULD be an axe murderer. wink Obviously good judgement goes a long way in this situation. smile
