Thanks everyone!

Terry - you're reading way too much into the planning of all this wink . Sam and Ellen it is. They are un-firstnamed for no particular reason. I just discovered last night how Lois got hurt by guys and it surprised me in some ways [though not in others - it makes sense in a lot of ways...]

FH - of course it'll be fun! And doesn't Martha rock?! I love her!

Michael - LOL! "goes all Lois on the town"! Love it! Um, I wouldn't know anything about evil taking planning. You must have me confused with someone else...

HG - Not a clue if Lucy's actually going to show up. Lois has mentioned that she gets on the bus around 7 so I'd imagine she's at school. Yeah - there's no cyborgs or boobs in a bottle or anything like that.

Kathy - hehe - I loved that too! Last night I wrote Clark's foundling story - how he came to be a Lane [as well as what happened to burn Lois when it comes to guys]. The Clark stuff I pretty well already knew but... I hope it makes sense when we get there in a couple days.

DH just went to go get a new lawn mower - the wheel literally fell off the old one last week and he had to finish mowing on three wheels. It's only a year old but no receipt :p . We're hoping to get the rider mower fixed before too long but we're a bit scared about how much that's going to cost so... Anyway, he doesn't want to mow [and who can blame him - it's 88* with a heat index of 91* at 745] and I volunteered to do it but I don't think he's really going to take me up on that. If he does - it'll probably be tomorrow before I post [he'll be home any minute] since I'll be dead when I'm done but if he doesn't I'll post here in a bit. I'm going to try before he gets home but...

Thanks again!