This continues to be so much fun. I wasn't sure about Clark Lane when we first met him -- he seemed a little too full of himself -- but this chapter proved how delightful he can be. I absolutely loved seeing him interact with Martha:

"Ah, I was informed that in Lowell County if you so much as sleep in the same bed with a girl you're already married," he answered, a twinkle in his own. "I think I'm going to like you, Mom."
She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Take care of you, too. I'm getting attached."
I literally awww'ed out loud during this part, so good job, you. thumbsup

I'm looking forward to finding out how Clark came to be raised by the Lanes in Metropolis when (presumably, based on the Kryptonite) his ship landed in Smallville. Perhaps Sam will let it slip that this isn't his first visit to the little town?

Fun, fun!