Hi Terry,

I know this is insanely late, but I don't get on enough lately to read stories part way through - by the time I get back to them, I've forgotten what they are about. So, I started this ages ago, then realized it wasn't all posted and have been eagerly waiting for you to finish it so I can read it in totality (a few chapters at a time, but each time I log on this is the first place I'll go rather than only when you've posted a part and I'm online).

I should leave comments on every part, but often I don't have hands free (most of my reading time right now is while doing something else), and of course, is often interrupted by a crying baby.

So, I'll try to leave comments every couple of chapters or so.

So far, I'm loving this. I'm just a step up from music illiterate, so there's lots here I don't know, but I'm not finding that it impacts my ability to follow the story.

Right now, I'm in awe at your ability to weave familiar characters into this new universe you've created. They keep popping up when I least expect them - case in point being Wanda Detroit and Lex. I'm already curious - will Lois stay with the Mountaintops or follow her alter-ego and join up with Clark at the Planet?

I'm also intrigued with the Silent Vigilante. I'm curious about Clark's development from here to Superman and how much of it will mirror the story I'm working on now.

It will also be interesting to see Clark's relationship with Perry develop here. Clearly, it still needs some work...