Hi, y'all!

HappyGirl, glad you're still reading. Don't worry about not having anything brilliant. I don't either.

Iolan, you're right, I've done time on stage. I really like it, too. What I don't like is dealing with bad bookings, bandmates who cancel rehearsals for no good reason, players who only want to be with the band to get some "good road stories," hurt feelings, grudges, tearing down, setting up, eating dinner hours away from home, getting back so late it's early the next day - hey, maybe this musician life isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Elisabeth, glad you caught the ominous music playing underneath the ending. There's evil afoot!

Michael, you have to remember that Luthor is all about power and means to power. If he can influence the public with a hit band and make money on top of that, he'll make the time. Besides, it isn't as if he's going on the road with them. And I'm glad you find Linda entertaining. I don't think Clark does.

Next part up very soon! Let me know how you like it.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing