Thanks, HappyGirl!

Missing scene, alternative scene... its all subjective, I suppose. She did have to work up to being angry in the show, and I was trying to lay some of the ground work for that with all those varied memories flooded her poor already-overloaded system, not all of them pleasant. And she did get angry, for a heartbeat or two, but, like in the show, she couldn't hold onto it for long. After all, I think any woman in her right mind would have a hard time staying angry with Clark Superman Kent!

Thanks for the great feedback! I know that this is but the first of many stories I'll be sharing with this little fandom. Fifteen-ish years worth of plot-bunnies are locked up in my secret compartment, and those little guys have been staging all sorts of mutinous escape attempts now that I've let them catch a glimpse of daylight. Thank goodness it's summer vacation and I actually have some time to write!

So, again, a sincere thank you! I'll be back....

Love and hot fudge,
Bren Ren