Tank, you're absolutely right. Without a bass player who can lock in with the drummer, it's just people whanging away and making noise.

We'll meet Clark very soon, Lara, don't worry. And he might be just a little different - but not much.

Thanks, Iolan. Your beta work is priceless (as is the beta work of Carolm, Elisabeth, and DsDragon).

Thanks for reading, Karen. No, Tim was just a "filler" guy and isn't part of the story. And the "Mountain" part of the title refers to the band in this story, not an older pop-country band.

Let me take a moment to credit Dandello's random character generator (found here) which I used several times to name some minor characters. It's an excellent tool.

Next part will show up Monday. Look for the next issue of your favorite fictional West Coast music magazine!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing