Thanks for the early feedback! I'll try to respond more promptly to the comments on this story.

Glad the title pleases you, Elisabeth. Sure beats the first one I had.

Don't worry about being musically illiterate, Cookiesmom. There won't be a test anywhere along the line.

Not a crossover, Frame. The Mountaintops and their members are original with me, and I hope you like at least three of them. smile But I will say that I've played with people who are like each one of the musicians you'll meet in this story.

I plan to post twice a week on this one. And for those who don't like extra-long chapters, let me reassure you that this is the longest one of the story. And I had to almost wrestle with Lucy and Shamika to get them to shut up already! These ladies love to talk.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing