Michael - Thanks again for the FDK, Michael. Not all the questions will be answered in this fic ... but that's what Story 4 is for.

Jenni - Thanks for your comments. I have mixed feelings when anyone says they got upset - I guess if you write about death and no one feels anything, you didn't do a very good job.

I knew right from the start this would be a difficult fic for some people. However, I need Lois's parents dead for a story line in a later fic and the topic warrants more than 'Lois's parents died' at the beginning of the next fic.

So ... I wrote 'Adrift'.

Vicki - Thanks for the wonderful FDK.

I'm glad Lois's reaction rang true for you.

Obviously most (all?) LnC stories centre on the relationship between Lois and Clark, but I really wanted to focus on Lois's relationship with the Kent family as well. She met M&J before she met Clark and clearly sees the differences between them and her family.

So a major part of her anger and feelings of betrayal were directed at the family unit - although poor Clark took the brunt of it.

I'm so glad you liked Jonathan's role. I always felt TNAOS seriously under-used him. I can remember a conversation (in the pilot?) between Clark and his dad, but mostly, Jonathan was little more than Martha's shadow.

This is almost too much, I have a lump in my throat and I want to cry - please please please let this be the end of the heartache.
The final two parts are written - so it ends how it ends .... but ... they've had enough heartache for one fic ... haven't they?

Oh this is so sad - what a wonderfully written line. Poor Clark - of course, Clark has a stronger character than that - maybe he *would* push her away?
Sorry, I'm not completely sure what you mean here ... the bit about Clark's character? Are you saying he wouldn't accept the pleasure of a hug from Lois if he thought there was no hope for them?

My take was that if Lois hugged him, he would realise things were not as bleak as they had seemed.

Thanks for your wonderful FDK. Part 8 - Monday or Tuesday.
