Hi. wave Sorry to be so late with the FDK. I've been... (insert excuse here)

I love what you are doing with this. I almost didn't post for this part since when I logged in this morning I saw that Part 3 was up. However, when I read this part I just had to have my “Aargh!” say.

This was my 'Aargh” moment:

When Lois awakened the next morning, her first awareness was a heavy sense of trepidation, like waking on the morning of a big exam.

Then her memories lashed her consciousness.

She rolled over. She was alone.
I just wanted to yell, “Clark! If you *must* leave, wake her up first. Don't let her wake up alone in these circumstances."

For me, it was startlingly similar to what just happened over in Carol's “Falling Slowly” and my reaction is just as wallbash as it was there. Very different circumstances but Clark should know that he should be there when Lois wakes up.

Anyway, when I was reviewing the other comments I noted the questioning of Lois being Adrift due to the loss of her parents. I believe yours is a very reasonable interpretation of a possible reaction. Sure, she wasn't overtly close to her parents but consider Lois's social life. She doesn't have a well-established network of friends other than her co-workers that are her substitute family. Since she wasn't overly close to her parents, she's probably never spent any time preparing herself for the emotional impact of their death. The way I interpret this is that their loss hit her harder than she expected and due to the circumstances she had absolutely no emotional defenses ready. Given that she was *totally* unprepared, I think her reaction is reasonable. (Just my 2 cents.)

Now, off to Part 3.
