Thanks for the FDK.

SarahG - It wasn't until after I read the FDK for Part 1, that I realised how much it looked like Lois was going to be hurt/killed by whoever was behind the door.

Clearly (now), it was never my intention to (physically) hurt Lois!

Glad you're enjoying it. smile

Michael - I love that you realised how the date prepared the way for what was to come.

The whole thing really did feel like stepping of a cliff. One moment you're happy and in love. The next, there is just this big hole you're falling into.
Thanks for this - you've described exactly what I was trying to achieve.

As for your PS - rotflol

Framework - thanks for your comments. I hope the reasons for the title will become more obvious in later parts.

Sorry, I have no intention of blowing up Perry or the Planet - at least not in this fic!

Terry - you've explained the underlying foundations of this fic incredibly well.

I also like your acknowlegement that grieving people act unreasonably and sometimes do things they wouldn't do in other circumstances.

As for angst - we've still got seven parts to go - it can't all be smooth sailing!

Thanks for your FDK - I really appreciate the thought you put into it.

Part 3 - tomorrow (Sunday, for me.)