Thanks everyone!!!

Karen - same idea, one unit wink .

Female Hawk - glad you liked it!

Ann - Thought you'd enjoy that wink . Muse cooperated a bit yesterday...

Natascha - Glad you're here! Yeah - I can't seem to write a non-pregnant Lois recently :p .

Michael - wink

Lovesuper - it's coming!

Laura - thanks!

Rona - just for you wink .

Elisabeth - They're both still in a weird space I think. Conclusion coming up shortly!

Bob - awww - don't let your head hurt!

Fuzzy - there are worse things than making out with one's spouse, I suppose... smile

JD - LOL! Here's hoping you just never get amnesia!

Amy - it's coming!

AnKS - thanks. the muse worked on it last night smile

Current vote tally:

A: 2.8
B: 5.5
C: 2.1

[That's 1 point for preference, .5 for second choice [for those who gave an order] and .3 for third choice. This is totally scientific you know...]

So it's a good thing the muse finally started working on 'B' again last night!

More in the next FDK thread...

Conclusion coming in a few smile .
