Hey, this is your story, not mine! Don't let me write it for you! It wouldn't be nearly this good.

Well, she's fessed up. And the next step she's going to take is to connect Clark with Superman and realized -

"Oh my stars and garters, I'm married to Superman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" jawdrop

Yeah, Lois, you are. And you have kids with him, and the two of you are happy together. And - who knows - you might even be pregnant now! (Wouldn't that be a twist! Hey, maybe that's how her memory comes back!)

And I don't know how you're going to resolve this at all. I hope the ending is like your screen name and you leave Lois as a "happy girl." Of course, if you don't, I'll understand. It is your story and you can write it any way you want.

And I don't mind if you take a day or two to get the next part just right. Like I wrote earlier, you take whatever time you need to make this a quality story. What you have so far is outstanding, and I wouldn't want you to dilute it at all by trying to post on some artificial schedule.

Although I'm going to be looking for the next post as soon as I can get to it. This is a taut story, and I'm eager to see where you go with it.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing