
Thanks guys smile .

Iolan - cliffy? Would I do that?!

Sarah - yeah I know... Not sure what the deal with me and pregnant Lois is lately though the two new WIPs [as in the ones the muse started in the last couple days] don't seem to have one...

Bob - I had initially planned on a Cat type thing but then Lana surprised me...

JD - I can be nice!!!! Um, I am not responsible for replacing any hair you may decide to pull out....

Amber - DP is outside the scope of this story. Can't promise that we'll get there ever, but at least we know how Lois knows guys who know guys wink .

Patrick - um, did you read LtL? That Lana was evil. Not as evil as some but plenty evil. OTOH Lana [and UP Lana] weren't too bad in the end. LOL! Love the ideas. Ch. 12 does need some sprucing up...

AnKS - yeah two months... I know I read one where it was several years - though then Clark was missing too...

James - smile

fuzzy - um... /pleads the 5th/

Terry - /giggle/ Well, yes, pushing it out of the way makes much more sense, but it's not canon so... wink

Michael - you don't like Lana?!?! wink And interesting theory re: Clark...

Amy - standards, shmanders...

Ann - eventually she was in OTOH anyway. I think Clark feels connected to her and all of that but I don't think he wants to 'jump' into anything until he remembers... As for what happens after that kiss...

Female Hawk - it is kind of nice to read lots at once. Thanks!

As for posting... Hope to tonight, but Ch. 12 is the one that needed edits to it [not MAJOR but enough] and I, um, well, sort of, um haven't done them yet... Hope to get them done soonish and see if it's necessary to send it out to be rebeta'd or not. If not, then hopefully later tonight. If so, hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks again!