Wow! I was surprised that Lana was so nice. But then again, she was nice in OTOH too, so I shouldn't be astonished.

Clark hasn't regained his memory after two months? And Lois hasn't told him that he is, in fact, married to her. You know that these secrets between people who are in love with each other drive me crazy, don't you? Except Clark doesn't remember being in love with Lois. Why not? As a Kryptonian, he should just know that Lois is his soulmate. He knew when he was six. But perhaps the trauma of taking care of that asteroid has made him reject his Kryptonian side? Has he used his superpowers after he returned to the Earth? Maybe he can't deal with the responsibility of being Kryptonian and having superpowers, so he rejects everything that is in any way connected with his alien heritage and his powers, including his instant knowledge of his soulmate connection with Lois.

I wonder what that preview meant. Does Clark remember Lois, or does he just want to do what is expected of a husband? Is he sort of "trying out" a kiss with Lois, like a kid might try smoking for the first time? Sorry about the rather horrible comparison, but I'm wondering. Well, if he remembers after kissing her, then things will certainly be easier to deal with for Lois, who has enough on her plate as it is. You mean she is pregnant???? eek eek eek
