This also worked for me as well. I get a kick out of the idea that both gentle writers felt that they had to include a revelation into the resolution.

One point I'll address here that I didn't address in Carol's resolution. The idea of Lois calling out 'Help Superman'. Now we all like to believe that with their 'connection' that Superman/Clark is always aware of Lois' condition and can respond to her distress no matter where she may be. I have to believe that this idea is more fanon than canon. In the series Lois was always amazed that Superman always seemed to be able to rescue her whenever he was needed to. But in the show she was always in Metropolis and so was Superman. No where in my memory was there any indication that Lois would think that Superman would be able to hear her yelling from so far away. Remember, by the time Lois had crashed, she was probably 75 to 80 miles outside of Metropolis. Why would she think that Superman would be able to hear her scream from that distance?

All that aside, I liked this resolution as well. It was nice to see Clark's POV during all this.

Tank (who likes the idea of only having to write half a story and letting anyone who wants to finish it off)