Haven't written a word in like 8 days
Ha! Got ya beat - 12 days and counting. :p

And, yay! More "fated" dialogue (the whole "wow" conversation). Nice!

I thought it perfect that, given the chance to sightsee in Metropolis, they head for The Planet. And I giggled with delight at the Norcross and Judd reference.

I was enthralled with his explanation of why he knew that Lois was "the one". And then you literally made me snort with laughter with "Honey, if you ever mention Lana's name when we're naked together again..." Bwahahahahaha! lol

Their discussion about how they were going to live after the honeymoon was poignant, especially the part about pushing the beds together. <sniffle>

The image of a teenage Clark in a black wetsuit and hiking boots is one that had me laughing all over again. My amusement was quickly dispelled by how tautly written the farewell and "shooting star" parts were written.

And what a place to end it! I guess Martha's gonna have to take him up in the hayloft and push him out to fix him. wink

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis