/sigh/ Family drama... has gotten worse since I started this even. Fun times... At least it's not within my house... And the week, I find out I'm going to be unemployed in May... even better...

/more sighs/

Sue - so glad to hear from you! Is option 4 ever *really* an option? Louie is fun - and he's played by 'Joey Tribianni Sr' from 'Friends' who also plays the pawn shop owner Tempus steals from - so that's why he's there...

Pam - Yes, when this L/C make it to Metropolis, they'll already know a guy who knows guys...

AnKS - Ooooo if I go that way, I can now blame you!

Fuzzy - yeah, stole that from OTOH wink . And I can blame you now too!!!! If those are the directions this goes in...

JD - gotta love Louie!

Michae - yep - stolen from OTOH wink . Angst? Why does everyone keep thinking I do angst?

Lovesuper - hehe! Worse? Better? What?

Ann - Seriously, angst? Me?

Amy - hmmm... Martha's pretty astute but would they think that their offspring are going to get married?

Amber - Oh, I'll blame you anyway wink .

Patrick - thank you!

James - So glad to make your day brighter! Given the weather here, yours may be pretty gloomy before long... wink

Thanks everyone! And Michael, it's Friday, Mar 27 when I'm likely posting though our schedule for the week is changed a bit from the original... We'll have to see...
