Okay, so I understood that some time had passed, but that can only mean that the stories that Clark gave Lois were either not autobiographical in nature or Lois didn't interpret them as being so. But if she didn't, then why didn't she ask Clark what the big deal was about the stories? At any rate, that's about to be a moot point, at least according to the preview.

I was glad that he decided to give her some of his stories. It was obviously a big step of trust for him, which made his anniversary gift more meaningful.

I have the distinct impression that I've been misrepresented or something regarding current a-plot developments...but it's cool. I can take the heat. I may just have to demand reparations in the form of advance chapters.

You didn't mention when you'd be posting chapter 7 (unless I missed it)...

/who is apparently an evil mastermind...who knew?